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Tetra CoolPeel - Advanced Laser & Skin Rejuvenation


Serving men and women for over 30 years, we are the triad’s premier center for advanced hair removal procedures and specialty skin rejuvenation.

High Point Office


3750 Admiral Drive, Suite 106

Mon & Fri 9-5

Tues, Wed and Thurs 9-7:30 | Sat 9-4

Greensboro Office


Lake Jeanette Office Park

3824 North Elm Street, Suite 206 Greensboro, NC 27455

Mon 9-7:30 | Tues & Thurs 9-7:00

Wed 9-6 | Fri 9-5 | Sat 9-4


Tetra CoolPeel

CoolPeel® Treatment in High Point & Greensboro

Reveal healthier, younger-looking skin, without the down-time of Standard CO2 lasers, with Advanced Laser & Skin Rejuvenation’s new CoolPeel treatment!

A CO2 Laser Treatment just became a lot cooler. Introducing Coolpeel ®

  • Reduce fine lines
  • Minimize sun damage and pore size
  • Improve skin texture
  • Without any real downtime

We are thrilled to be amongst the first to offer CoolPeel laser treatments!  CoolPeel is an innovative way to safely, and comfortably, deliver the benefits of a traditional CO2 resurfacing treatment.  By targeting only the superficial layer of skin tissue, damaged skin is removed, revealing younger and healthier-looking skin.

CO2 lasers have long been the gold standard in treating wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes as well as tightening skin and balancing tone.  Traditional CO2 treatments, however, have long been associated with considerable downtime.  The precision and control of the CoolPeel allows you to get the skin resurfacing benefits of CO2 without downtime and risk.

Contact Advanced Laser & Skin Rejuvenation today to schedule your free consultation!

CoolPeel Treatment Banner